Please help support Curlew Rowing Club in our first ever Ergathon, our biggest fundraiser this year.   On August 13, 2016, teams of Curlew rowers will compete against each other and the general public on rowing machines (known as “Ergs”) to raise money for the club.  Your donation will be used to maintain and purchase racing boats, oars, boat trailers, and, of course, more Ergs.  Donations will also be used to help run our learn to row course so that every who has been inspired from our boys and girls in Rio can have the opportunity to row.

Curlew is a rowing club based in East London. Although very successful, with crews at Henley for 12 of the last 14 years, we pride ourselves on our friendly atmosphere. Founded in 1866, Curlew has been in Greenwich without interruption for over 150 years.  We receive no outside funding.  So we could use your help.  Curlew is one of the oldest sports club in London, is also one of the most expensive sports to be involved in.

Your donation is 100% tax deductible.  Donations can also be made after the date of the Ergathon.

Thank you for your support.

Please donate http://by clicking here!

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