Sunday 12th August – SAVE THE DATE!
Following the huge success of Curlew’s 150th ball, we would like to invite you to a more informal gathering at the clubhouse in Greenwich on the afternoon of Sunday 12th August 2018. The invitation is extended to partners and family, to give us all an opportunity to catch up with old friends whilst enjoying a drink and the spectacular views from our balcony over East London. 

The event will be hosted by the current Curlew Committee alongside our special guest John Brunton who has been instrumental in getting us back in touch with some older Curlew friends from far and wide.

Further information will follow in the coming months…

Please get in touch with me ( if you know of any past Curlew members who we may not be currently connected to, but may be interested in coming along to this event or supporting the club in other ways.

Club news: Curlew crews for Head of the River Race 2018

If you are in or around the London area this weekend, it is well worth heading down to the Tideway as Curlew are sending SIX crews to compete in the Head of the River Race, 3 women’s crews on Saturday (numbers 57, 96 & 133) and 3 men’s crews on Sunday (numbers 37, 119 & 249).

Further ways to support the club:
…become an Alumni Member

For as little as £5 each month you can become an official Alumni Member. Email laura.l.binns@gmail.comfor further details.


We rely on our volunteers to keep the club running. You can volunteer your time through:
           –Coaching, as little or as often as you’d like
          – Boat maintenance, lend us your skills!
          – Cheering for Curlew on race day


Curlew RC is now an official charity! You could set up your own fundraiser, from auctions, to wine tastings, to cycling from Lands End to John O’Groats! Email and we’ll add your event to our social media pages.

…shopping via EasyFundraising

Easyfundraising is the simplest way to raise money for Curlew Rowing Club
Shop with any of over 3,300 well-known retailers via the easyfundraising website and a percentage of what you spend is passed to Curlew Rowing Club at no additional cost to you. Retailers include Amazon, M&S, Vodafone, eBay, Tesco, Viking and many more. Please register to support us today – 

Categories: News