2023 Wrap-up

And just like that, we wrap up 2023 and look towards 2024 – What a year! We look forward to returning to the docks next week, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store. Happy New Year to all! 🎉🎉🎉

Germany Camp 2023

🇩🇪 Curlew goes to Germany! Last week a group of rowers from our club flew to Germany to take on the not so winding river of Stuttgart, at Heilbronner Rudergesellchaft Schwaben Von 1879. With members getting valuable water time and taking on new challenges in small boats, as well as Read more…

Scullers Head 2023

Good luck to Felix who will take on Scullers Head this weekend! Felix has been training hard, practicing not just against crews but also aeroplanes it seems 🛫 Felix placed 33rd last year, and also won our Senior Man of the Year award at our AGM for his dedication and Read more…

Curlew 2023/24 Committee

Welcoming old faces as well as new, we’ve elected our new committeee ahead of the 2023/24 season! ✨ Club chair: John adcockClub captain: Claire PostlesClub secretary: Felix Hemstedtreasurer: Chris GreenMen’s captains: Nick Walton/ Peter O’CallaghanWomen’s captain: Wizzy HeapDevelopment and recreational squad captain: Dan GillenSocial Secretaries: Farah Fahwami/ Ashley PentyInformation Secretary: Read more…