Curlew Rowing Club returned home after an absence of 20 years to host a Alumni get together in the newly refurbished restaurant. The newly refurbished restaurant of the Trafalgar Tavern was the Curlew RC clubhouse for over 100 years, and it was great to see so many faces returning to their old haunt.

John Brunton and Paul Maloney

This was the second catch up of the Curlew Alumni Association, and was highly successful with rowers from the 1960s, 70s and as late as the 80s mingling together.

Key Dates

18th May – Drinks evening at Curlew Rowing Club Clubhouse

11th August – Alumni Summer BBQ at Curlew Rowing Club Clubhouse

If you are wanting to get back in touch with members from Curlew RC past and present please come along to the social on the 18th May or fill out the contact form and we will add you to the our distribution list.

Click here for the form

The famous raft…

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