Curlew Appeal:

When the Trafalgar Rowing Centre was refurbished a great many old Curlew memorabilia was moved into a storage unit under the supervision of the then Club Captain. Due to various circumstances the storage unit moved to a new location…however, during this process the storage unit was emptied and the contents were stolen/mislaid. With it, a lot of our old Curlew pictures and memorabilia. Over the course of the past 5 years at Curlew, we have been actively searching out the whereabouts of the Curlew Archives – we have managed to track down a number of digital copies of the pictures, we’ve also had a return of a couple of boxes of old trophies. But the majority of the content has remained lost…

old picture However, we have made a discovery in an antique shop in south west London. 11 pictures (above) have surfaced, I have been in contact with the dealer who legitimately bought them from an antique market from Wimbledon. I have told him how they have come onto the market and he is willing to sell them back at is cost price to the club.

This is why I am setting up this appeal…I need to raise funds to buy back these pictures and return them to their rightful home. He is wanting £450 to cover the cost of buying them from the dealer. But also I would like to start a fund to facilitate this sort of purchase in the future.

If you are able to donate and help Curlew be reunited with a piece of it’s history please donate via the following link: Curlew Archive Fund – Virgin Money Page

Also, as part of the 150th Anniversary, if you have any old curlew memorabilia (tankards, trophies, the old Curlew Shield or Cannon) or pictures (digital or physical) which you would like to donate back to the club, please can you email who is coordinating this.

Thank you all very much for your time and help in returning this lost piece of history back to the club.

Curlew Rowing Club

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