Well done to everyone racing at Docklands Head yesterday! The crews coped well with some challenging conditions, and there were pot wins for Curlew in the Women’s 8+, Men’s 4- and Angus in the Men’s Singles!
We had many boats racing – provisional results are below (subject to confirmation):
3rd: Senior Men’s 8+: 2nd in Op. 8+ Band 1
5th: Men’s Masters (B) 8+: 1st in MasB 8+ (fastest boat in 2nd Division)
7th: Senior Men’s 4-: 1st in Op. 4-
10th: Men’s Masters (A) 4-: 1st in MasA 4-
23rd: Senior Men’s 4-: 2nd in Op. 4-
28th: Senior Women’s 8+: 1st in W 8+
32nd: Dev Men’s 8+: 3rd in Op. 8+ Band 2
36th: Senior Women’s 4-: 2nd in W 4-
65th: Senior Men’s 1x (Wilson): 1st in Op. 1x
68th: Senior Women’s 4-: 3rd in W 4-
69th: Senior Men’s 1x (Hemsted): 2nd Op. 1x
113th: Senior Women’s Masters (B) 1x (Jeff): 1st in W MasB 1x
145th: Dev Women’s Masters (A) 4-: 1st in W MasA 4-