Two weeks after Women’s Henley, a week after Henley Royal it was time for the old boys to have their time on the Henley course. Apparently a week of “socialising” at Henley Royal is not the greatest preparation for Henley Masters. Due to the lack of Master’s A category at the regatta, we were unable to race the British Masters Crews which won the month earlier, so crews were reworked in order to ensure the coxed IV and the VIII were Master B average. The VIII raced on the Friday in the evening against Ruder Club “Allemannia von 1866”, Germany – the German crew started very strongly, going a length up by the Barrier, however, Curlew settled and started coming back on the Germans, going through the halfway point two thirds downs, and then half a length by the finish. The time of 3.10 was the second quickest race of the day. A frustrating day and frustrating end of the season for the squad. 

Time for the coxed IV, having lost convincingly to Bath earlier in the season, the first race was going to be a tough race.  Curlew started strongly and surged ahead by the Barrier and stayed ahead for the rest of the race, the crew were buoyant! The final was against Warwick, who had a by into the final, fresh legs! Warwick did to Curlew, what Curlew did to Bath in the Semi-Final. Warwick started the stronger and just stayed ahead of Curlew all the way down the course. 

This was the first time that Curlew RC has been at Henley Master’s Regatta for over 5 years. It was a great experience, and the squad is looking forward to next season when we shall be back, bigger, stronger and more importantly OLDER! 

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