Continuing with our Wyfold Challenge Cup crew profiles, we present Men’s Captain Ben Mitchell at three seat.

In a crew of serious men he is the most serious. Why play when you can work hard on the erg generating fat watts or just do marathons back to back?

I wanted to over comply with his request for more austere posts and write just: Ben Mitchell, three seat. But I wussed out.

Instead we look to Issy as cox to say a few words:

‘Ben has been men’s captain for the last two years, and this will be his third Henley campaign with Curlew.

Bens a bit of a freak of nature, pulling outrageously fast ergs with seemingly little effort, and running back to back marathons in times that most of us couldn’t do once, let alone twice.

Outside of the boat, you can find him telling everyone about how amazing his girlfriend is.’

We salute you Ben!

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