Plum Pudding saw the finale of our winter 2018 learn to row course. After a difficult course with weather and the refurbishment of the tank we are proud to say that all our newbies made it through the course and are happily members of our rowing club. Their first session on the water as part of Curlew RC will be on the 6th January.

We pride ourselves on the ability to take complete water novices and turn them into racing units. Our aim is to always get our novices racing as soon as possible, and if any of them want to push themselves we will always move them through into the senior squad as soon as the coaches think they are ready. We have had a number of successful learn to row graduates who have gone on to represent Curlew RC at the highest level. Our current Women’s captain was a graduate from a few years back.

If you are interested in learning to row, please contact us or simply click here