Sunday 27th May saw a mixture of Development Squad and Vet Squad drive up the M1(A) to Nottingham for the annual Nottingham Masters & Club event, this is another new event entered for Curlew Rowing Club in this 2018 season.
Our races were:
9:54 – Mike goes in the single (Masters B)
10:54 – Felix goes in club single (Club)
14:22 – Master C coxed IV
15:14 – Master C/D coxless IV
16:06 – 2x Club coxless IV (Club)
16:26 – Master B VIII
16:50 – Club VIII
Results, they were a mixed bag – sadly no wins, but a lot of second places and a great learning curve ready for Vet Champs in a few weeks time. We came back knowing what we need to work on. This was also a great days racing for our development squad who raced in two coxless IVs and an VIII – the first half of their 1k in the VIII was the best they have raced together and came off buzzing.
We are looking at building both the Vets Squad and Development Squads – rowed before and looking at getting back into the sport? We offer some great competitive squads whether its Senior, Development or you need a better work/life balance, why not try our Competitive Vets Squad? Get in touch with Curlew now…