picture 2Welcome new athletes and athletes family/friends/partners!  If attending your athlete’s regatta is a new experience for you, we’d like to provide some guidance on what to bring to a regatta.  We hope that you will find it helpful.

Most importantly, be prepared for unpredictable weather.  In the spring and atumn, anything can happen!  Check your favourite weather resources before leaving home to make sure you are prepared and comfortable for any situation.  There’s nothing more uncomfortable than sitting on the side of a river freezing to death!  Throw in an extra jacket, blanket and hat even if you don’t think you’ll need it…someone else might.

Allow plenty of time to get to the venue and to park, especially if it is your first time to the venue.  Parking is often off-site and will entail a long walk, also if you are using public transport please take extra time – to quote a great rower “to be 10 minutes early was to be late”. If the coach/captain says 10am make sure you are there for 9:50am.

IMPORTANT: New rowers will need membership from British Rowing – please go to the their website to sign up – https://membership.britishrowing.org/

Athlete Checklist:

  • Curlew RC All in one
  • British Rowing Registration Card
  • Warm-ups tops and bottoms
  • Water bottle – very important to keep hydrated
  • Snacks and Lunch (money for lunch)
  • Hat/Sunglasses/Sun cream
  • Lots of spare kit for the day
  • Plastic Bags for wet clothing
  • Warm outer layers in case the weather turns cold, waterproofs for when it is wet.
  • 10mm and 13mm spanner to rig the boats
  • Spares box
  • two spare blades, one bowside and one stroke side
  • If coxswain, charged coxbox and tools, etc.

Cox Checklist:

  • Race plan, circulation patter of the river race, race instruction
  • Get lane number 45minutes before the time of  the race or as early as possible.
  • register the boat and any changes which you need
  • charged coxed box
  • charged spare cox box.
  • weights if underweight
  • box of tools
  • IMPORTANT! Check the join is tight and EVERY rigger is tight.
  • ensure all equipment is packed on the trailer post race.