Curlew RC collects the following personal data for members:

  • Name
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Date of birth
  • Height and weight
  • Emergency contact name and telephone number
  • ARA number and qualifications
  • Coaching, coxing, steering and rowing ability
  • Medical conditions that might impact the member’s safety whilst rowing
  • Other safety-related information.
  • Curlew RC uses this personal data as follows:
  • To ensure the personal well-being of Curlew RC members
  • To organise activities (eg rowing outings and social events) for Curlew RC members
  • To submit entries for members into external rowing events
  • For submission of data to related organisations in summary form only (ie no
  • identification of individual members).

Curlew RC securely stores this personal data on computing equipment and in paper records. Only Curlew RC committee members and a limited number of Curlew RC members authorised by the Curlew RC committee are allowed access to the personal data. Curlew RC will never pass this personal data outside of Curlew RC (except in summary form) unless required to do so by law. Curlew RC members will be asked for their consent for Curlew RC to hold personal data for them. On request to the Curlew RC committee, Curlew RC members will be given a copy of the personal data that is held about them. All personal data except what is related below, will be destroyed when a member leaves Curlew RC once any outstanding issues have been resolved (This will also include Admin access).

When a member leaves Curlew RC, we will remove all data except the following:

  • Name
  • Postal address
  • Email address

Retention policy – we will retain data for a maximum of 25 years