Individual Responsibilities


  • Dress appropriately for the weather conditions. See overleaf for more information.
  • Drink water before, during and after an outing.
  • Be responsible for your own medication (e.g. sun cream, plasters & tape).
  • Have dry clothes to change into after an outing.



Coaches must plan outings that are within the capabilities of their rowers and account of the weather conditions.

During an outing

  • Carry a mobile phone programmed with all of the emergency phone numbers.
  • Have easy access to space blankets and throw lines.

After an outing

  • Ensure any boat damage is reported to the Equipment Officer.



Prior to an outing

  • Check that the Bow ball is securely attached.
  • Check the steering lines/mechanism and rudder are working correctly.
  • Ensure the boat is carried out safely and undamaged.

During an outing

  • All coxes must wear a personal flotation device over their clothing and know how to use it.
  • Coxes and steers are responsible for the safety of their crew and other water users.
  • To boat out of LRC all coxes and steers must be able to demonstrate to the Club Captain that they are able to give clear voice commands, steer a straight course and be able to perform an emergency stop.

After an outing

  • Assist with the boat cleaning.
  • Ensure that the boat is returned to the boathouse safely and undamaged.



Prior to an outing

  • Carry the boat to the water safely and without damaging it.
  • Help carry the oars/sculls to the pontoon.
  • Check your heel restraints are attached.
  • Check the button on your oar is secure.
  • Check your rigger and seat are working correctly.
  • Close all hatches to buoyancy compartments.
  • Ensure your gate is securely closed.
  • When you number off you are confirming that all these check have been completed.

During an outing

  • Respond to all calls from cox/steer immediately.

After an outing

  • Help with the cleaning of the boat or return the oars/sculls to the boathouse.
  • Disinfect your oar handle if a blister has burst during the outing.