
We are always on the lookout for new or existing members, Curlew has long had a presence internationally with rowers coming from all over the globe.

We, as a club are looking at rebuilding our relationships with past rowers who have “flown” the Curlew nest.

To join please fill in the membership form below and we ask for a £5 monthly donation to the club.
Membership form for new/returning members

What does your membership get you?

  • Quarterly email newsletter update on how the club is progressing.
  • Invitation to all Curlew social events throughout the year (Christmas Ball, Summer Ball, Henley Picnic)
  • Rowing at Curlew whenever you are back in London


As a Registered CASC Company, we welcome and rely on donations to support our work in the community and specifically with regard to rowing for people of all ages, whether indoor rowing or rowing at the London Regatta Centre.

We regularly run fun and interactive fundraising events to raise money for new equipment and the upkeep of our fleet and equipment.

To discuss donations or sponsorship please contact the fundraising team via email fundraising@curlewrowingclub.co.uk.

or via a simple bank transfer to the following account.

The Curlew Rowing Club Ltd

Acc No: 42067186

Sort Code: 09-01-29