Want to join Curlew?

You can race masters events from 1 January in the calendar year you turn 27.

We do not operate a structured programme for masters and there is no formal coaching, although experienced masters are welcome to join the various small groups who self-administer their activities and training. We recommend that potential members should initially make contact with the club to discuss options. We do not run a beginners masters squad and recommend that older individuals wishing to learn to row contact one of the many other local clubs which can cater for you.


Curlew Rowing Club runs a formal cox-coaching system. Organised by one of the club’s longstanding coxes, Maxine, the programme will include seminars on specific topics, a 1-1 mentoring system, and an athlete feedback system. We will focus on improving every area of coxing, including steering, coaching, boat management, race day management, and racing. The programme will be interactive, so that coxes can learn from each other, rather than being lectured. Several experienced coxes contribute to this programme.

Beginners: men and women

Curlew Rowing Club is a highly competitive rowing club. We are looking for beginners who aspire to eventually compete at the top domestic.

Rowing is a very technical sport which requires dedication, strength, speed and endurance. It particularly suits those who have participated in a sport at a relatively serious level for some time and those who have just graduated from university.

The novice squad trains on the water every Saturday from mid-September to July. Land training, which all squad members are expected to attend, takes place twice a week from 7-8pm and includes body circuits, weights, rowing machine and indoor tank sessions to develop strength, fitness and technical skills.


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