Planned squad sessions are Saturday and Sunday mornings, and Monday and Wednesday evenings when light permits.
If your captain has not set crews for a squad outing you may still organise your own boat, but you must follow the rules below.
Use of club boats outside of squad sessions is meant for experienced squad members. All these points have your safety in mind:
Anyone not adhering to these policies will have their eligibility to use boats outside of squad sessions reviewed.
1) You must book the boat out on FitClub and inform your captain.
2) Have you completed a capsize drill*? If you wish to go out in a club boat of any size outside of a planned squad session time the whole crew must have completed a capsize drill.
3) Make sure you’ve got a boat and/or land buddy/buddies. Even with permission from your captain, you may only go out if there are other boats on the water, or if someone will be monitoring your boat from land.
4) Exercise good water safety. Assess the weather before you set off. If you are unsure about your safety/whether you can manage current weather conditions, do not boat. Familiarise yourself with Curlew RC safety policies.
5) Follow the London Regatta Centre policies. All boats must be signed out/in. Follow the circulation pattern. Heed the advice of regatta centre staff regarding changeable weather conditions.
With wishes for happy and safe rowing from your safety officer,

If a boat is damaged or a part is broken/missing please report it via our maintenance form.

*A capsize drill may include an safe unplanned capsize outside of a drill. Chair or Club Captain’s say is final on whether you have suitable experience to go out without a capsize drill.